

— What is Truecoin?

Truecoin is a Free2Play clicker game, where you can earn coins by making spins. No deposits, no bets, you just spin for free right in the Telegram bot.

Truecoin game is the first stage of TRUE World — a metaverse containing many various games united by a single in-game currency. Later on your Truecoins can be spent in TRUE World or exchanged to $TRUE tokens.

— What is TRUE World?

TRUE World is a SocialFi Gaming Meta. The game integrates with the TON blockchain. TRUE World is a social interaction and economic strategy, enabling players to create and manage clans, participate in clan wars, and trade valuable NFT assets.

— I have a Status Card, but it's not connected with my Truecoin account. Why?

You probably have more than one game account. Try to check another account. Otherwise, the problem is due to technical works. If you have only one account, we recommend you to contact our technical support in Telegram: @ze_bro.

— The coin balance in my wallet does not match with the game balance. Why is that?

This problem is extensive and our development department keeps working on it. This bug is due to be fixed in June.

— How can I withdraw or exchange my coins?

At the moment you are not able to use coins outside of the game as Truecoin is an in-game coin that has no liquid collateral. Now, you can only use coins within the game, however in future you will be able to exchange Truecoins for $TRUE token.

— When is listing?